Singing Guide: Lale Anderson

Singing Guide: Lale Anderson

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn to sing like Lale Anderson, here are some tips:

  • Focus on your breath support. Anderson had a rich, powerful voice that needs strong breathing. Try the Farinelli Breathing exercise to get a handle on this.
  • Work on your vocal range with the Vocal Range Test. Anderson had a deep voice, so if you're trying to learn to sing like her, focus on developing the lower part of your range.
  • Get comfortable with your chest voice. Work with the Singing Comfort Zone exercise to develop this range.
  • Develop your resonance in singing with the Resonance in Singing exercise.
  • Do the vocal fry technique known as "growling". Check out the How to Growl Exercise.
  • Sing with emotion too. Check out the Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking article for some practical tips.
  • Work on your articulation with the Finger Bite exercise.
  • Develop your vibrato by trying the Beggars Bounce or Diaphragm Bounce exercises.
  • Use the Song Search feature on Singing Carrots to find songs that show off Anderson's unique voice. You can search for songs that suit your voice, and then explore ways to sing them just like Anderson did.
  • Work on finding your own authentic voice. The How to Find Your Own Authentic Voice article will help with this.

With practice and patience, you can learn to sing like Lale Anderson.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.